About Me

Hello, my name is Kamyra.

I’m a mom who loves my family and my food. I’m currently residing in Michigan with my boyfriend and our 2 children. So I guess you can say my hands are always full. I’ve been fascina

ted with cooking since i was a child. I was always watching and observing whoever was in the kitchen cooking at the time. I didn’t really get passionate about cooking until i changed my eating habits in 2016. I love the challenge of taking one thing and turning it into something completely different. However, the challenge of getting my kids to eat it, not so much. I’m determined to get my household on board with a clean and healthy lifestyle. So sit back and join me on my journey.

I hope I inspire you to make a change and start a journey of your own. Remem

ber this is your journey, its okay to do things slow and at your pace. 


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